Parcelcube software displaying measurement and weight data of parcels in a user-friendly interface

Ways to use our dimensioning software

Our proprietary dimensioning software is essential for our Parcelcube dimensioning system. It comes free of charge with the Parcelcube hardware and is easy to install and use with our products.

There are three main ways to use our dimensioning software:

  • Save data locally on your computer: save all registered data on your computer. The data, in CSV or Excel files, can be processed later. However, this method requires some manual work, such as copy-pasting, which can introduce human errors.
  • Integrate with your system: the most common use is integrating with your warehouse management system (WMS) or enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. The Parcelcube software is easy to set up and configure, allowing data exchange between the dimensioning software and your WMS in minutes. With seven user-defined fields in the interface, you can add all necessary product information simultaneously, eliminating the need to switch between software or add data later.
  • Copy and paste to third-party services: for small webshops, you can copy and paste data to a third-party service directly after scanning. For example, you can quickly register parcel weight and dimensions in a shipping company’s web-based service. Configuring fields with different button combinations may seem simple, but sometimes simplicity is exactly what you need.

What you can do with our software

Whenever you want to scan a physical object you do that using the Parcelcube software. There are however also several other features included in the software like the ability to connect a camera to the system. This will automatically take a picture of the object being scanned.

Another nice feature is item stacking. For example if you need to scan very small or thin objects you can get the best result if you stack a known number of objects on the scanner. The software will then calculate the weight and dimensions of one object. 

The dimensioning software in daily use

The biggest benefit of our software is its ease of use. The user interface is straightforward, and most features are self-explanatory.

When installing a new dimensioning system, the end user can easily handle installation and integration. The manual and software are downloadable from our support page, ensuring the customer has a working unit and a trained employee by the end of the day.

While the software and dimensioning system don’t require regular calibration, it’s a good habit to check everything by placing the supplied calibration cube on the system at the start of each workday or whenever there’s any reason to doubt its performance.

Our software is completely free of charge.