We're here for you, every step of the way
Here, you’ll find a wealth of information, including software downloads, tips, and tutorials of our parcel dimensioning system. If you need assistance at any time, our dedicated customer service team is here to help.
Just starting to set-up your Parcelcube parcel dimensioning system?
This section has all the manuals and software downloads required to get started with your Parcelcube parcel dimensioning. Our use friendly manuals provide step-by-step instructions for installation and use, and here you’ll also find our software downloads. If you need any assistance during the setup process, our customer service team is always available to help.
Guides and tutorials
Resolve how-to issues with straightforward videos
about the most sought out problems
How to use Parcelcube 900
01:09 min | Video tutorial
Parcelcube software installation
02:05 min | Video tutorial
Parcelcube Vision
02:58 min | Video tutorial
Streamline receiving & shipping with Parcelcube
01:06 min | Video tutorial
Parcelcube zero calibration
00:38 min | Video tutorial
Parcelcube weight calibration
00:53 min | Video tutorial
Our most frequently asked questions
What if there is no data from the indicator / microcontroller to software?
Solution: check drivers and configuration in PC (according to the manual)
Solution: replace indicator including housing and all internal PCBs (order replacement ones)
Wrong weight is shown in indicator and in software, alternative unstable weight
Solution: make sure there are no cables are snagged in between chassis components of the Parcelcube. Make sure you have no items touching the Parcelcube or the Parcelcube itself is pressing against a wall or other object
Solution: one or more loadcells are broken (order replacement ones)
Solution: indicator is in need of calibration (calibrate according to manual)
What to do if the weight data not displayed in software?
Solution: configure software client correctly (according to the manual)
Solution: replace indicator including housing and all internal PCBs (order replacement ones)
Scale dimension data is incorrect. What should I do?
Measure is hard to detect for Parcelcube. They might be round, plastic bags or non-boxed items like a shampoo bottle. Advice is to use the metal brackets that are included, still there are limitations.
Empty scale shows a random dimension on any of the axis, most commonly x or y
Solution: Items placed too close to the Parcelcube need to be moved
Solution: Parcelcube cannot be placed next to a brick wall or alike.
Solution: side walls are bent out of shape or extremely dirty / filled with tape residue or alike. Clean it up.
Solution: older Parcelcube without their red sensor glasses, should be cover up sensor in same way the red glasses do via tape or red sensor glasses.
Solution: If not working send environmental pictures to Parcelcube support.
Empty scale shows small dimensions say normally less then 1cm on x y z
Solution: this is normal, there are echoes in the corner of the scale when it is totally empty. This is why Parcelcube has a limit on minimum size of measurable items.
Still haven’t been able to resolve your issue?
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At Parcelcube, we’re committed to providing our customers with top-notch support. Our team of experts is always available to answer any questions you may have about your dimensioning system, and we’ll work with you to ensure you’re getting the most out of your Parcelcube. Fill out the support form to get started!